About Us
With a small team of 3, we all have to play to our strengths in order to continue the progress and success here at RUFFTER.
Tony - The designer and maker of all of the lovely products that we have to offer. His happy place is being knee deep in saw dust, in his very messy / totally organised workshop!!
Mieles - When not running her own jewellery business Yemaya Collections, Mieles is the busy behind the scenes, creating and updating all of our photography and social media content.
Arlo - The main man! Without Arlo there would not be a RUFFTER. He is the key to our success and an invaluable part of the team.
His role is hard to define as he does such a variety of jobs, including but is not limited to:
- Ripping everything within reach into shreds,
- Refusing to pose for selfies with his Mum & Dad,
- Chasing leaves & stealing socks,
- Bum wiggling & giver of snuggles
Arlo is also the biggest bringer of joy, happiness and fun times to our lives and he is the main inspiration for what we do here at RUFFTER.